As a general practitioner, you have options for your patients’ specialty care. If you have relationships with area specialists, phone consultations can help you manage your cases before referral. But, what happens when your preferred specialist is too busy, in surgery, out of the office, or otherwise unavailable? VESPECON’s team of consulting specialists is available on demand, and we take things up a notch by using video chat features rather than the phone. Our technology allows us to see what you see and talk face-to-face to help you manage difficult cases. Let’s explore why our consultation services are superior.

The right specialist is always available

If your patient needs a specialty consult, reaching out to local specialists may be an option when you have a good relationship and the specialist is readily available. However, some areas may not host the specialist you need, or the specialist may be unavailable. VESPECON’s team of specialists is readily available for quick virtual consultations from anywhere in the world.

Not sure which specialist you need? Your patients don’t always follow the book, and while you may know you need help with a case, you may not know which specialty you need. For example, does your uveitis case need an ophthalmologist, internist, or both? Instead of reaching out to multiple specialists, you can consult with VESPECON’s team, and we’ll match you with the right person. Stop spending valuable time playing phone tag, and make a single call to us. 

Does your patient have multiple conditions? Because we work as a team, our specialists can easily collaborate on cases that need extra help. Patients with multiple conditions can have competing needs, but our team can offer a unique, carefully considered perspective that considers all aspects of the patient’s care. We can collaborate to help you determine the safest, most effective treatment plan for patients with multiple conditions, while optimizing your time and energy.

Our knowledge base becomes your knowledge base

Interested in learning more about managing your own specialty cases, rather than turfing them to someone else? Keeping more cases in-house can help you improve practice revenue, gain client trust, and keep your caseload interesting. The VESPECON consulting specialists team will take the time to help you understand the why and how of their recommendations. We are small but mighty, so we will form long-lasting relationships, rather than you talking to a new person each time. Ask us as many questions as you’d like and, over time, you’ll acquire the knowledge and skills you need to better manage your own cases. And, if you are unsure about managing a particular case, we can help you decide when referral is the right option.  

Our team can save you time and energy

You’re incredibly busy managing a heavy caseload and trying to maintain your own work-life balance. When we are your go-to specialty consultation team, we open up more time in your day—while you are sitting in your office chair. You won’t have to decide who to call or to wait for them to call you back, so stop overthinking and save time and energy—consult with us, and get help on demand. VESPECON uses video chat technology for our virtual consults, so we can see the patient ourselves and connect with you on a personal level. And, we provide not only recommendations, but also co-manage cases and ensure the highest level of patient care.

When your patient’s needs are more than you can provide, we’ll save you extra time by coordinating a visit to one of our local network specialists, which means that you don’t have to worry about the client forgetting to make the appointment, and your staff does not spend valuable time making calls to find an appointment. Our specialist network reserves time in their schedule for VESPECON patients, to provide the care they need in a timely manner. We also ensure our network specialists seamlessly transfer all relevant case details. 

Are you ready to make the transition from traditional phone consults to VESPECON’s team of on-demand specialists? Contact us to learn more about our services, and how we can help improve your efficiency and patient care.