Veterinarians rely on diagnostic testing to identify their patients’ conditions. However, accurately interpreting those test results is not always a simple task. Board-certified specialists become experts in evaluating diagnostics relating to their specialty, and radiologists are trained to evaluate imaging studies across all disciplines. Primary veterinarians learn basic diagnostic skills but cannot be expected to learn every discipline’s intricacies, which is why specialist consultation is such a valuable tool. 

Our VESPECON team offers a holistic service menu to our client veterinarians to cover all of their consultation needs. As such, we now offer diagnostic study interpretations for radiographs and cardiology diagnostics as standalone or add-on services to complement specialist consultations. Consider the options for this new service and how they can benefit your clients and their pets.

Veterinary radiology study interpretation options

Our board-certified radiologists are available to read and interpret all radiographic studies, including special procedures and stat cases. Our veterinary radiology study interpretation options include:

  • Radiograph interpretation — New radiographic study interpretation. The cost is based on the number of films analyzed.
  • Follow-up radiograph interpretation — Submit repeat radiographs for the same case within 24 hours of the first submission.
  • CT interpretation — CT study interpretation. Fees are based on the number of sites examined.
  • Special procedure radiograph interpretation — Send full barium or other special study series for evaluation.

Benefits of VESPECON veterinary radiology interpretation

Primary veterinarians are jacks-of-all-trades by necessity and by design. They chose general practice because they have broad interests, want to develop close relationships with clients and pets, and enjoy handling a varied caseload that ensures no two days are the same. As general practitioners, they may focus on particular interest areas and develop advanced skills, but these practitioners cannot be expected to know everything about everything, including radiology.

Consulting with a radiologist is easier than ever with the advent of digital imaging technology, making worldwide remote radiograph assessment possible, and making a positive difference in pets’ lives. Radiologist interpretation is cost-effective, takes tasks off a busy practitioner’s plate, provides expert advice for tricky cases, and can reassure clients that their pet is getting the best possible care.

Veterinary cardiology study interpretation options

Our cardiologists and radiologists work together to evaluate cardiology studies. Our veterinary cardiology study interpretation options include:

  • ECG interpretation — Get feedback on your patient’s heart rhythm and what could be causing abnormalities.
  • Thoracic radiograph interpretation — Submit 3-view radiographs for heart size measurement and overall evaluation.
  • Echocardiogram interpretation — Submit echo results performed by trained radiology technicians for expert interpretation and cardiology diagnosis.
  • Holter monitor interpretation — Submit entire Holter studies for analysis.

Benefits of VESPECON veterinary cardiology interpretation

As with radiology interpretation, general practice veterinarians cannot be expected to develop cardiology study interpretation skills. This is best left to the experts with specialty cardiology training and a board-certified diplomate status. However, general practitioners or credentialed veterinary technicians may choose to pursue training in ultrasound techniques of various body areas. By learning these techniques, veterinary professionals’ opportunities expand. Becoming an ultrasound examiner does not require a residency or board exam. 

Skilled ultrasound examiners can offer their services to clients or local veterinary clinics and submit study results for interpretation through VESPECON, streamlining the diagnostic process for a pet and their owner by eliminating a stressful trip to a specialty hospital. In addition, cardiologists or general practitioners can use our veterinary cardiology interpretation services to confirm diagnoses, obtain a second opinion, monitor existing diseases, or obtain prompt presurgical recommendations. 

How to request a VESPECON veterinary diagnostic study interpretation

Requesting a VESPECON study interpretation is simple. To schedule a consultation, follow these tips:

  • Visit our website.
  • Use the request widget on the screen’s bottom right corner.
  • Fill in your information and request the study option that best meets your needs.
  • Choose a standalone service or an interpretation combined with a specialist consultation.
  • Choose stat options for critical or urgent cases.

VESPECON offers veterinarians a one-stop shop for a complete solution to their consulting needs. Our advisory specialists and radiology team are available when you need them, with stat options available when minutes matter for your patient. Contact us to learn more about using our services or to request a complete price list to start your consultation journey.