Avian and exotics veterinary specialists work with lesser-known species than most veterinarians, and cater to small, furry, scaly, and feathered friends rather than dogs and cats. Exotics veterinarians are few and far between and may practice exclusively with exotic pets, wildlife, zoo animals, or in a mixed practice with dogs and cats. These practitioners are residency-trained experts in numerous unique species while also blazing new trails in treatment strategies for novel species rarely discussed in published literature.
General practice veterinarians with an exotics interest may find expanding their exotics knowledge and practice difficult because exotics veterinarians are relatively scarce, but VESPECON can help. We know that treating exotics requires a particular skill set, and our consulting team includes specialists in avian species, general exotics, and herps, so we are sure to have a specialist who can guide you through your in-house cases and expand your exotics knowledge. If you’re looking for help, here are a few benefits to working with an avian and exotics specialist through VESPECON.
#1: Expert medical and husbandry recommendations for your patients
Exotics have extremely specific nutritional, husbandry, and medical needs, which a general practice veterinarian is unlikely to learn during their standard schooling. As such, exotics veterinarians are trained in multiple species and may subspecialize in companion mammals, avian, or herpetological species through the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners or the European College of Zoological Medicine. Because exotics-only veterinarians and specialists are not available in all localities, general practice veterinarians will likely encounter exotics who need their care. Now, they can consult remotely with an avian and exotics veterinarian rather than turn these pets away.
Some clients likely will prefer a specialty remote consultation to extensive travel, and our service allows you to confidently offer expert husbandry advice, problem-solving, and medical care, no matter how infrequently you treat a specific species. Many exotic pet owners are misinformed or undereducated about their species’ needs, relying on pet store employees and a single-page care sheet provided when they purchase their pet. Specialty consultations ensure exotic pets are well cared for and increases veterinary care access for clients with multiple pet species.
#2: Learn from the industry’s best
Not only will exotics patients benefit from specialty consultation, but also your team. Each time you consult with our specialists, you’ll learn valuable information and skills for treating future cases more effectively. With your improved knowledge and abilities, you can offer higher care levels to your patients and clients who may have no other place that provides care. Your team will likely appreciate the knowledge boost and opportunity to break up their schedule with an exciting reptile or cuddly pocket pet.
#3: Build your exotics practice
Veterinarians seeking to expand their exotics knowledge to pursue specialty certification, or who simply want to help a wider species variety, also can benefit from frequent specialist consultations. The more exotics you see, the more word-of-mouth referrals you will attract, and the more proficient you’ll become in their care. Virtual consultations can help fill your knowledge gaps and ensure you provide pets in your community with quality care. That will in turn build your confidence to market your services and bring in more exotic patients.
VESPECON currently boasts three avian and exotics specialists, and we’re always adding to our fantastic team. Our service offers virtual, real-time, video chat consultations with our experts when you need them, which allows you to keep and care for more exotics cases in-house. Virtual consulting offers several advantages over traditional telemedicine, including building face-to-face relationships with our experts, allowing our consultants to see your patients, watch them move, and observe their behavior, and eliminating the delays associated with emailing or calling back and forth.
We can also facilitate transfer to a specialty facility in our preferred VESPECON network if your patient needs additional care, advanced imaging, or specialized anesthetic procedures. Our practice champions provide concierge-level care coordination and will procure your patient a timely spot. If you want to learn more about VESPECON, or to meet our avian and exotics specialty team, contact us. We’ll get you started right away.
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